Buy Cars

Quality, pre-owned stock at your fingertips.

Join CarExpert’s growing network of buyers and access high-quality pre-owned stock with the Sell My Car platform. Providing fast, accurate appraisals to customers and a hassle-free pathway for buyers to acquire quality stock.

Leads direct to your inbox and phone

We verify and value the stock for you. Our leads come with all the information you need including a condition report and supporting photos. (All leads are under 180,000kms and 12 years of age)

Select where you want to buy

Opt to receive lead invitations within your preferred radius, so you can focus your efforts on valuations within your proximity.

Freedom to make your own assessment

Buyers can choose key makes and models from their lead invitations that align with their buying requirements.

Flexibility to negotiate

Buyers enjoy the ability to negotiate their own purchase price directly with the seller and are not obliged to purchase if an agreement cannot be reached.

How it works


1. Valuation

Customer follows the prompts on to receive a detailed and impartial appraisal based on information provided.

2. Sale initiation

Customer opts to proceed and initiates the sale process based on the price range given in the appraisal.

3. Connection

We connect the customer with one of our registered buyers to make contact.

4. Price

The dealer and customer come to an agreed price and finalise transaction!

Get in touch to start acquiring quality stock the easy way.

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